What currency are the prices do I see in the site?

All prices are in USD.

I just placed an order, when will it ship?

We try our best to ship items as fast as we can. Please allow 1-3 days production time for your order to ship out, average shipping times are 5-15 days.
Tracking numbers will be updated 3-5 days after your order has been SHIPPED. If you don't have a tracking number after 7 business, please email us at Charm Lite

I am not in love with my order, can it be returned? What if there is an issue?

We offer a 100 % money back guarantee if the product is defective or damaged. We give you 30 days to send it back to us for a full refund. You must ship it back at your own expense, once we have received the product, we will refund the full amount of your original purchase. Please Include all a name and order number on the returned parcels.
Please note: If you your package is on the way, you must wait for it to arrive and return it before receiving a refund.

Can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order with no penalty! You must cancel your order before it ships. If the item is already sent, please use our easy return system to get a full refund.

I have entered an incorrect address what do I do now?

If you have misspelled or auto filled in an incorrect address, simply reply to your order conformation email and confirm. Once you double check if the address given is wrong kindly notify us via email at Charm Lite. If the given address is wrong, we can change the address to the correct one within 24 hours. No refund will be given after the 24 hours of incorrect submission.

What is the meaning of a distance bracelet?

A distance bracelet is a bracelet that is meant to be worn by two people who are in a long distance relationship. The idea is that each person wears one half of the distance bracelet, and when they are apart, they can look down at their bracelet and feel closer to each other. There are many different designs of distance bracelets, but they all serve the same purpose. Some people think that distance bracelets are cheesy, but I think they are a sweet and thoughtful way to show your significant other that you are thinking of them, even when you are apart. If you are in a long distance relationship, or if you have a friend or family member who is, I think a distance bracelet is a beautiful way to stay connected.

 What does the name "Infinity Charm" mean?

The name "Infinity Charm" was inspired by the never-ending possibilities that life has to offer. Just as there is no end to the number of charms that can be collected and added to a charm bracelet, there is no end to the experiences and adventures that life has to offer. We want our customers to feel empowered and inspired to live their best lives when they visit our site.

Why did we choose this brand name?

We chose this brand name because we want our customers to feel like they are part of something special and infinite. We want them to feel like they can collect an infinite number of charms and add them to their bracelet to represent their own personal story.

What is the purpose of Infinity Charm?

The purpose of Infinity Charm is to provide our customers with a unique and personal way to commemorate their life experiences. We want them to be able to look down at their bracelet and remember all of the amazing things they have done. We also want our customers to feel inspired to continue adding new charms to their bracelet as they create new memories.